For the past five years my colleagues and I have been experimenting on dogs in an effort to determine some of the factors involved in the causation of peptic ulcer.1 In these experiments the pyloric sphincter of the stomach was divided by a longitudinal incision down to the mucosa. Then the pars superior duodeni was invaginated into the antrum pyloricum. This procedure produced duodenogastric intussusception. The ulcer-bearing area (the pyloric end of the stomach and the first portion of the duodenum) was thereby transplanted into a new and more highly acid environment. Eight months after operation the invaginated portion remained in place and was found to be morphologically normal. In other words, a living transplant of Brunner's glands had been placed in the pyloric antrum.
Studies made with regard to acids, mucin and the emptying time led to the following conclusions:
(a) Brunner's glands have two secretions—a local protective