The increasing number of clinical reports on lymphogranuloma inguinale, which incidentally indicates how frequently it occurs in both sexes, generally point out the resistance of the condition to the various therapeutic measures employed. Hermans,1 in 1928, utilized Frei's antigen, prepared in the usual manner, with fairly good results. He gave subcutaneous injections, beginning with 0.1 cc. and increasing the dose to 0.6 cc., at intervals of from four to five days. Gay-Prieto,2 in 1932, treated five patients with intravenous injections of a specially prepared antigen, and all of his patients were either benefited or cured.
For the past eighteen months we have had under observation twelve men and four women with lymphogranuloma inguinale, all presenting strongly positive Frei tests. One of the men presented the anorectal syndrome usually seen in women.3 Our earliest patients were given subcutaneous injections of Frei's antigen4 as suggested by Hermans, and improvement