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Etudes Anatomo-Cliniques: Coeur—Vaisseaux—Poumons. | JAMA | ÌÇÐÄvlog


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±·´Ç±¹±ð³¾²ú±ð°ùÌý27, 1909

Etudes Anatomo-Cliniques: Coeur—Vaisseaux—Poumons.

JAMA. 1909;LIII(22):1855. doi:10.1001/jama.1909.02550220067024

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The author endeavors to explain the phenomena and causation of the diseases which he considers, by the anatomic conditions which develop and characterize them. The subjects which he discusses are endocarditis, syphilitic aortitis, atheroma of the mitral valves, arteriosclerosis, the rôle of the circulation of the blood in determining lesions, emphysema or hypertrophy of the lungs, pleural adhesions, reciprocal relations of affections of the heart and lungs, initial lesions of pulmonary tuberculosis. These chapters are illustrated by thirty-two figures which are well drawn and are an addition to the text.

In the chapter on arteriosclerosis Tripier discusses the views of other authors, most extensively and most critically those of Huchard, with whom he does not agree. He considers the distinctions which many make between arteriosclerosis and atheroma, but has nothing to add to whatis generally known of the causation of the arterial lesions. The frequent association of arteriosclerosis and sclerosis
