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Backup Cameras in Most Vehicles Coming in 2018 | Pediatrics | JAMA | vlog


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Ѳ14, 2014

Backup Cameras in Most Vehicles Coming in 2018

JAMA. 2014;311(18):1847. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.4486

After years of delay, beginning May 1, 2018, all vehicles weighing less than 10 000 pounds, including buses and trucks, must be equipped with rear backup cameras to reduce death and injury from “backover” incidents (occurring when a vehicle backs up and strikes a person behind the vehicle). The 2018 start date, announced on March 31 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), is 10 years after the passage of the Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act requiring such cameras and 7 years after the measure was supposed to be implemented.

On average, 210 fatalities and 15 000 injuries each year are caused by backover crashes. The NHTSA found that children younger than 5 years account for 31% of backover fatalities each year; adults aged 70 years and older account for 26%.
