Explore JAMA's 2015 series featuring common-sense descriptions of the frontiers of biomedical research by the world's most eminent scientists.
This Viewpoint seeks to examine current psychiatric nosology through the lens of modern philosophy of science.
This Viewpoint discusses protein folding and the use of computers to solve the protein folding problem along with the limitations of protein structure prediction and the practical benefits that may be yielded from the breakthrough discovery.
This Viewpoint summarizes the pathophysiology and clinical features of atherosclerotic plaque erosion as an underlying mechanism of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) distinct from plaque rupture and reviews evidence that antithrombotic therapy without PCI and stenting may be optimal treatment.
This Viewpoint attributes improved understanding of the role of autoantibodies and B-cell activity in MS pathogenesis and the development of effective therapies to the ability of physician-scientists to bring clinical insights to laboratory research and it emphasizes the importance of supporting and encouraging these investigators to reinvigorate science at the bedside.
This Viewpoint describes principles underlying early brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) designed to read electrical brain signals, analyze how brain activity patterns contribute to vocal tract movements, and reproduce the sound patterns as speech toward the goal of restoring paralyzed individuals’ natural rate of communication and quality of life.
This Viewpoint discusses the challenges and successes of the application of microbiome science to human health and highlights the need for basic mechanistic research informed by clinical questions to advance the field.
This Viewpoint reviews the molecular basis of sickle cell disease (SCD), the history of treatments for the disease, and recent progress toward curative therapies including HSCT and gene therapy and editing, emphasizing that research and innovation needs to take into account patient priorities and perspectives given the history of research mistreatment of minority groups most affected by SCD.
This Viewpoint discusses targeting fundamental biological aging processes through nutritional, genetic, and pharmacologic interventions to delay or prevent the onset or progression of multiple chronic diseases and debilities typically observed in older humans to enhance and extend both health and longevity.
This Viewpoint describes the processes by which aging of cells contributes to age-related decline, chronic disease, and multimorbidity, and describes current animal research and clinical trials investigating the effects of senolytic drugs and vaccines that target senescent cell antiapoptotic pathways and remove senescent cells.
This viewpoint discusses increased life expectancy and the initiatives to address the risks and unintended consequences of living longer.
This Viewpoint describes the theory-driven and data-driven branches of computational psychiatry and how it might advance clinical improvements for patients.
This Viewpoint discusses the significance of investing billions of dollars in genomic sequencing and the implications of finding a hereditary mutation in patients with metastatic cancer using next-generation sequencing.
This narrative review summarizes the current state of genomic testing for somatic mutations in breast cancer and considers approaches for more effective implementation.
This Viewpoint discusses 2 next-generation approaches to diagnosis and therapy that are either already clinically relevant or likely to be tested in central nervous system neurotropic viral infections in the near future.
This review uses the example of hereditary ataxias to assess the contribution of next-generation sequencing to identification of the genetic basis of neurogenetic syndromes.
This Viewpoint discusses the potential to create a national health data system with detailed patient- and hospital-level data sets that could help identify gaps in care; scientifically test regional, state, and federal policies in an iterative manner; and improve health care and outcomes nationwide.
This perspective discusses the advent of medical imaging as a data source for precision management of patients with cancer through integration of automated imaging phenotype and cancer genotype.
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